Rory Danger and the Danger Dangers

The World's Most Dangerous Press Kit



"Propelled by the powerful thwangs of the upright bass and to the tune of screaming sax, Rory Danger and the Danger Dangers roared through French Quarter Fest yesterday afternoon in furious pursuit of that infamous great white whale, Moby Dick. (Slash… non-local Jazz Fest headliner Elton John?) New Orleans’ favorite all-star rockabilly band has dragged us through the arctic, into space, onto “The Wheel of Misfortune”, and along for all sorts of other bizarre capers. For their latest high jinks, they’ve hit the high seas with a rip-roaring tribute to Melville’s famous novel."

"It’s rare that a concept record rocks so hard. Rory Danger and the Danger Dangers’ debut recording is propulsive and energetic with the songs and humorous and droll with the commentary that brackets several songs."

"The band's debut, The Age of Exploration, mixes vintage surf rock and backroom rockabilly, bursting with the chops of the band's stacked lineup. Its live-room feel captures the band's energetic, wild roadhouse performances."

"You don’t need to know who Rory Danger and the Danger Dangers are to have a good time at a Rory Danger and the Danger Dangers show. You don’t even need to know the group’s front woman Aurora Nealand, a multi-talented singer and musician and rising star in the New Orleans music community. What you do need to know is that crowd participation is almost mandatory at Danger Danger shows, which are regrettably infrequent..."


New Orleans Preeminent Rockabilly Band, Rory Danger and the Danger Dangers makes up one of the finest concept driven rock bands to emerge from the underbelly since the French colonization of Louisiana. With an epic premier show at Chazfest 2010, (quickly followed by a legendary farewell show and a heroic Reunion show)  the Danger Dangers quickly overtook the New Orleans Rockabilly scene and have been dominating ever since. They were nominated for Best Emerging Artists and Best Album in 2015 (OffBeat Magazine and the Gambit), and have played sold out shows to crowds all across New Orleans and Southeastern Louisiana.   


Rory Danger - lead vox, saxophone
Pepe Peligroso -MC also guitar
C-Jay Danger - guitar also bongos
D'Ranger Danger - drums 
Billy Digits Danger - piano
Spike Danger - guitar also man of steel
Professor Potts - bass, screams





  • 2013 Performed on HBO's Treme.
  • 2014 Released CD Age of Exploration
  • 2015 Offbeat Magazine's / Gambit Magazine nominations.
  • 2015 more rockin at One Eyed Jacks, French Quarter Fest, Chaz Fest, Tipitina's.
  • 2021 First Band to play complete show in Air Gordan's. (It's a goal anyway)


Recent Shows

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February 22, 2025
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April 19, 2024
Broadside Theater
New Orleans, LA, United States
April 11, 2024
2024 French Quarter Festival - Abita Beer Stage
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New Orleans, LA
February 11, 2024
Sunday Gras
BJ's Bywater
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November 10, 2023
New Orleans, LA
October 16, 2023
Mega Danger Monday - Live on the Radio
WHIV - 102.3FM
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Edna's Pair•O•Dice Single Release!
August 22, 2023
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May 2, 2023
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April 16, 2023
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February 19, 2023
BJ's Bywater
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